Important Gr 12 Grad Updates
Grade 12 Grad Photos
Attention Grade 12 Graduates! Grad Photo Retakes will take place on April 1, 2025. Stay tuned for more information.
We are excited to announce that grad photos will take place at the school starting on January 15-16. You must book an appointment to have your photo taken:
*Students will be provided with a gown to use on the day of photos
*A dress shirt and tie or white blouse complement the gown nicely (this is not provided by the photographer)
University & College Applications
We would like to remind all potential grads applying to post-secondary schools to continue to be diligent in checking your email and logging into your OCAS/OUAC accounts for important correspondence and information from your potential post-secondary schools. We can’t tell you how important this is during the application process because your potential schools will communicate with you regarding supplemental applications and their respective deadlines, as well as other time sensitive information.
The Guidance Department would also like to encourage all of our grads to think about your post-secondary plans and discuss those plans with your family if you have not yet had the opportunity to do so. Mr. Murray and Mrs. Baldry would be happy to meet with any of our grads to discuss your plans around heading to the workplace, apprenticeship opportunities, college or university. We’re here to help!
If you are thinking about pursuing a pathway to college or university, be mindful of the equal consideration application dates and be sure to submit your application prior to those dates.
College - February 1, 2025
University - January 15, 2025
This is also a great time to have “The Talk” with your parents or guardians. The “Talk” we are referring to is all about the financial piece that accompanies some of our post-secondary plans. Questions surrounding how college or university will be paid for are prudent as we continue to get closer to graduation and acceptance into program(s). We encourage you to have these conversations with your family and start to formulate a financial plan. Be mindful that once you have accepted an offer into a program, students will be able to apply for OSAP (Ontario Student Assistance Program). This doesn’t become available until the spring and the Guidance Department will provide more information closer to that time.